45 overweight adults were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 cholesterol-lowering diets, meaning that less than 7% of calories came from saturated fat. The diets consisted of
- LF – A lower fat diet (24% fat)
- MF – A moderate fat diet high in oleic oil (34% fat)
- AV – A moderate fat diet, including a avocado a day (34% fat)
The avocado group had an 8.8% reduction in oxLDL compared to baseline. oxLDL promotes atherosclerosis through inflammatory and immunologic mechanisms.
“Including 1 avocado per day in a heart-healthy diet decreased circulating oxLDL and increased plasma lutein concentrations compared with a typical Western diet”
“We conclude that these benefits are due to the bioactive compounds present in avocados beyond their fatty acids. The decrease in small LDL particles may contribute to the oxLDL-lowering effect observed on the avocado diet.”